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The Kansas Geographic Alliance has compiled a variety of valuable lesson plans.  This page provides the links and information for these resources.

Overview:  This geography lesson is developed by Esri for their GeoInquiries collection.  It discusses the various forces involved in the migration of the American West.

Grades:  Multi-level

Includes:  Directions, objectives, preparation, background, and interactive maps

Overview:  This geography lesson is developed by Esri for their GeoInquiries collection.  It explores the paths that humans took out of Africa.

Grades:  Multi-level

Includes:  Directions, objectives, preparation, background, and interactive maps

Overview:  This geography lesson is developed by Esri for their GeoInquiries collection.  It gives a geographic survey of the forces involved in regional migration.

Grades:  Multi-level

Includes:  Directions, objectives, preparation, background, and interactive maps

Overview:  This geography lesson is developed by Esri for their GeoInquiries collection.  The lesson is tailored to world history classes that address major invasions in the history of Medieval Europe. 

Grades:  Multi-level

Includes:  Directions, objectives, preparation, background, and interactive maps

Overview:  National Geographic provides an entryway to discuss the types of migration and people who migrate

Grades:  6-8

Includes:  Directions, objectives, preparation, background and vocabulary

Overview:  The U.S. Census has cultivated a repository of lessons relating to migration, among other topics.  Any geography teacher should bookmark this website.

Grades:  K-12

Includes:  Directions, objectives, preparation, evaluation, primary/secondary sources, visuals, student handouts, etc.

Overview:  This lesson, provided by the Arizona Geographic Alliance, combines historical migrations of people in U.S. history with a discussion of push and pull factors.

Grades:  7

Includes:  Teacher instructions, student worksheets, assessments, answer keys

Overview:  This lesson, provided by the Arizona Geographic Alliance, focuses on push and pull factors in human migration and settlement.

Grades:  4

Includes:  Teacher instructions, student worksheets, assessments, answer keys

Overview:  The Geographic Alliance of Iowa presents a lesson on the problems that the Irish experienced as they migrated into the United States from Ireland.

Grades:  6-8

Includes:  Teacher instructions, student worksheets

Overview:  The Geographic Alliance of Iowa sponsors this lesson which peers into migration and displacement in Africa.

Grades:  7

Includes:  Teacher instructions

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